MaxCoach Education

Demistify The Software

Learn Photoshop, Wildlife Editing & Digital Art.

Learn professional skills from Zenja Gammer and bring your creative visions to life.

Be Happy

Learn at your Pace

Available Courses, Brushes & Presets


Digital Art Course

$ 197,00$ 399,00


Wildlife Photo Editing Course

$ 197,00$ 399,00


Zenz Lightroom Presets

$ 37,00$ 59,00


Zenz Lighting Brushes

$ 17,00$ 29,00


Zenz Mist Brushes

$ 17,00$ 29,00


Get rid of Old School Assumptions

Zenz Courses was founded by Zenja to empower aspiring artists, photographers, and creatives by offering comprehensive, skill-focused online courses.

23 years of

Photoshop Experience


Learn the secrets to Photo Editing, these people have got the key.

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Taking the course was a game changer for me. The course not only taught me advanced editing techniques but also helped me develop a unique style.
Lewis Carter
/ Photographer
The wildlife editing course provided me with the necessary skills and knowledge to transform my wildlife photos into stunning works of art.
Noah Robinson
/ Photographer
Great courses, have watched them all and enjoyed the actionable steps. Learned a lot through the modules.
Jack Koch
/ Digital Artist
A very good course for everyone that is stuck with their raw animal photos. Easy to follow and interesting tricks to learn in Photoshop.
Mary Hall
/ Photographer

discover what's new in the latest update

New features in Adobe Photoshop

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